Introducing the stunning Replica Saint Laurent Grain Leather Envelope Medium Bag 487206 in Black. This stylish bag measures 24.0 x 17.5 x 6.0 cm, making it the perfect size for your everyday essentials.
Featuring the iconic monogram Saint Laurent design, this bag is sure to turn heads. It comes with a front flap adorned with metal interlocking YSL initials, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall look. The leather and chain strap adds a fashionable twist and can be folded to a shoulder strap drop of 26.5 cm or extended to a strap drop of 55 cm, allowing you to wear it in a variety of styles.
Crafted from durable grain calfskin leather, this bag is not only stylish but also built to last. The grosgrain lining adds an extra layer of luxury to the interior. The bag closes effortlessly with a magnetic snap button closure, ensuring that your belongings are safe and secure.
The hardware on this bag is made from brushed silver-toned metal, giving it a sleek and modern appearance. There is an exterior slot pocket on the back, providing easy access to your essentials. Inside, you??ll find one slot pocket, perfect for keeping your belongings organized.
In summary, the Replica Saint Laurent Grain Leather Envelope Medium Bag 487206 Black is a must-have accessory for any fashion enthusiast. With its timeless design and luxurious materials, it is sure to elevate any outfit.
Replica Saint Laurent Grain Leather Envelope Medium Bag 487206 Black
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