The Replica Louis Vuitton Embossed Vavin PM M43931 in Black/Red/Navy is a luxury handbag crafted with a combination of smooth and embossed Monogram Empreinte leather. This sophisticated bag features a bold and shiny statement lock as its signature detail. It is supple, lightweight, and versatile, making it suitable for both daytime and evening outings. The adjustable chain-and-leather handle can be worn over the shoulder or cross-body for added convenience.
The dimensions of the bag are 9.8 x 6.7 x 3.7 inches (25x15x8cm), making it compact yet spacious enough to hold your daily essentials. It is available in a classic black color. The bag is made with embossed supple grained cowhide leather, complemented by supple grained cowhide leather trim and a microfiber lining. It is finished with gold-color hardware and features a lock closure for added security.
The Vavin PM handbag offers practical storage options with its front open pocket and inside zipped pocket. The chain of the bag is sliding and not removable, with a chain drop length of 11.0 inches and a maximum chain drop length of 21.7 inches. The bag is designed to provide a stylish and relaxed look that effortlessly transitions from day to night. The adjustable chain-and-leather handle allows for comfortable shoulder or cross-body wear.
Overall, the Replica Louis Vuitton Embossed Vavin PM M43931 is a highly fashionable and functional handbag that combines sophistication and practicality. Its sleek design and luxurious craftsmanship make it a desirable accessory for any fashion-forward individual.
Replica Louis Vuitton Embossed Vavin Pm M43931 Black/Red/Navy
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