Introducing the stunning Replica Gucci X Balenciaga Jackie 1961 Small Hobo Bag in Coffee. Measuring at a size of 11 W x 7.5 H x 1.8 D, this bag is the perfect accessory for any occasion.
Crafted with care, the bag features a combination of beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas and brown leather trim, making it a sustainable choice. The iconic green and red Web detail adds a touch of elegance, while the gold-toned hardware complements the overall design.
Inside the bag, you??ll find a cotton linen lining, along with an open pocket and a zipper pocket to keep your belongings organized. The bag also comes with an additional shoulder strap, giving you different styling options.
For convenience, the handle measures at a 7?? strap drop from the central hole. If you prefer to wear the bag with the additional shoulder strap, it offers a 20.5?? drop from the central hole.
Closing the bag is easy with the piston closure, ensuring the security of your belongings. It??s a true masterpiece that combines the finest elements of both Gucci and Balenciaga, creating a unique and coveted style.
Indulge in the beauty of the Replica Gucci X Balenciaga Jackie 1961 Small Hobo Bag and elevate your fashion game to new heights.
Replica Gucci X Balenciaga Jackie 1961 Small Hobo Bag 680118 Coffee
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