Small Signature Shoulder Bag 409487 is a replica of a classic Gucci design. It features a structured silhouette made from heat debossed Gucci Signature leather, creating a distinct print and firm texture. The bag is secured with a key lock closure, and the key is conveniently stored in a leather holder attached to the chain strap.
The versatile sliding chain strap allows for various styling options ?C it can be worn as a shoulder strap with a 51cm drop or transformed into a top handle with a 28cm drop. The length of the strap is adjustable, ranging from a minimum length of 60cm to a maximum length of 103cm.
In terms of organization, the bag offers an interior open pocket and an exterior pocket for easy access to essentials. The interior is lined with camel microfiber, providing a luxe suede-like finish.
The bag is accented with gold-toned hardware, adding a touch of sophistication. It weighs approximately 0.95kg, making it lightweight and comfortable to carry.
With dimensions of W20cm x H12.7cm x D7.6cm, the small size is perfect for everyday wear. The bag is made in Italy, ensuring the highest quality craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Overall, the Gucci Padlock Small Signature Shoulder Bag 409487 is a stylish and practical choice for women who appreciate classic design and luxury materials. Whether worn as a shoulder or top handle bag, it effortlessly elevates any outfit.
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